Mike Perry makes paintings, animation, sculptures, books, public art installations, monographs, exhibitions, drawings, silkscreens, and more. He invites you to join him on this curious journey … His work can be considered love notes to the abstract, unknowable future that is all possibility in the present. He is continually exercising his faith in the transformative power of making things. His use of color, pattern, and form, at times child-like, expresses a joyful spirit and a reverence for the bliss that is inherent in the human experience. In Mike’s patterns, portraits, and dreamscapes, there are layers upon layers of meaning, some erased, some covering, some asking you to look deeper, some no longer there but still vibrating with a story that sought not to be forgotten.

In so doing, he celebrates form: of the human body, of shapes and lines that coalesce into lyrical masses, of the vastness of the cosmos and the questions it calls us to. His creative purpose is to conjure that feeling of soul-soaring wonder you have when you stare into distant galaxies on a dark night, when you go on long journeys into the imagination, when you ponder what it is that this life is all about.